
Bus From Madrid for Las Fallas (Valencia)

March 05, 2014
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alquiler de autobuses desde Madrid

Take the opportunity to escape these days to Las Fallas de Valencia. If you want to travel with friends to celebrate the Fallas for celebrate your stag party or just to enjoy the party that Valencia offers these days, contact Julgar Bus. Forget about driving and rent one of our buses from Madrid to enjoy the Mascletá, La Cremá, La Nit del Foc and, if you want, enjoy our tour on bus around Valencia. Our rental buses will be available for you whenever you want, but if you prefer, we can arrange a ready to go trip returning the same day spending the night partying in order to coming back the next morning. Remember we have coaches for large groups and minibuses for smaller groups. Tell us how you want to configure your trip on bus and fill our online budget form. We will give you the best prices!

Departures from Madrid

Bus or minibus rental

Luggaje transport

Tour in Bus

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